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Nursing In Surbia with Lady Paget in 1915 - Front Cover
ISBN-10: 1739581504

The tale of an ordinary woman in extraordinary times. The story of one nurse who found herself alone, thousands of miles from home in an alien country and culture, nursing three hundred typhus-stricken prisoners of war. Part of a much greater story – that of the courage and commitment of a small band of women and men, now largely forgotten, who joined her in the uneven battle against disease and suffering and triumphed, sometimes at the cost of their own lives.

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The Base Hospital - Front Cover
ISBN 978-1-7395815-3-4

Mobilised in 1914, this unit of the RAMC took over an old asylum (now Leicester University) and was soon running dozens of other hospitals and convalescent homes. To locals it was always ‘the Base Hospital’; a focus of charity and a tangible symbol of their and the nation’s sacrifice. This is a story of courage and of pain; of bureaucracy and imagination, hard work, generosity and loss – told in the words of those who served, or suffered and were made whole again. The story of Leicester’s Base Hospital may be applied to all the mainland hospitals: what was true of Leicester was repeated throughout the kingdom. Every aspect of life in the hospital is examined: the staff of the hospital, RAMC and nursing, as well as the VADs (both men and women), the patients and facilities. There is a detailed account of the growth of the buildings and a tour of the site, as well as chapters on the North Evington War Hospital and other satellite hospitals and convalescent homes.

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